Duración: 96 horas
Horario: Horario: 10:00 -12:00
Fecha: 8 de agosto del 2018
Conferenciantes: Lys Kulamadayil. The Graduate Institute Geneva, Phd (c) International Law Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA Sept. 2017-De.2017, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK, LLM, Public International Law y Hanse Law School, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany LLB, Comparative and European Law.
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Costo: Gratis
El taller “Research and Writing for Teachers of International Law” está dirigido a profesores de derecho que tienen competencia en idioma inglés y que deseen profundizar sus conocimientos sobre los diferentes estilos de escritura y conocer algunos consejos para realizar investigación de derecho internacional tanto académica como orientada a las políticas públicas. Además, se explorarán y discutirán las características distintivas de la escritura académica de una manera altamente interactiva.
This workshop is catered to non-native english speakers. It pursues the objectives of understanding the need and context for different styles of writing and introduces some advice of doing both academic and policy-oriented international law research. Furthermore, distinctive features of academic and policy-oriented writing will be explored and discussed. Over 90 minutes (with a break), and in a highly interactive fashion, we will first familiarize ourselves with the idea of different genres, we will then zoom in on the distinctive features of academic and policy-oriented writing focusing in particular on purpose, framing, style and language.
CONFERENCIANTE: Lys Kulamadayil.The Graduate Institute Geneva, Phd (c) International Law Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA Sept. 2017-De.2017, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK, LLM, Public International Law y Hanse Law School, Bremen University, Bremen, Germany LLB, Comparative and European Law.
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